Chris Whitley 1960-2005

This was posted on Chris Whitleys website:

Words from Trixie Whitley:

My father took his last breath last night the 20th of November. I would like to make it clear that the people he needed and loved the most were with him while and when he left in peace. Those were Dan, Susanne, me and Chorinne. I would also like to ask you guys to understand there is a very fine line between Chris Whitley the legendary musician and Chris Whitley the Father, Brother, and Lover.

This was my Dad's favorite line from the first song I ever wrote, this is for you Daddy:

"Like the feather we blow away, in the thoughtlessness of words others say."

All faith and peace,
Trixie Whitley

Words from Dan Whitley:

I just wanted to add Chris passed over surrounded by lots of love. The time we spent with Chris in these last days were something I'll never forget and these woman whom I shared Chris's last moments with were just amazing.

Susann Buerger who was by his side nonstop (Chris planned to marry Susann) held him in his arms the moment he passed in absolute and total peace, the reason I mentioned this is I always felt being held by someone you love while you passed over was a truly special thing. Trixie my niece is one of the strongest young woman I have ever met and Chris was always so proud of her whenever we spoke, Im also incredibly proud to be her uncle and love her beyond words.

Chorinne gave her home to Chris and the rest of us in this time of need and didnt stop taking care of things that needed to be taken care of the entire time, she gave us all a sanctuary to take care of Chris in and went way out of her way to help from the beginning and is still helping.
Me, I pretty much just cried my ass off when I wasn't helping Susanne with Chris....still crying.

I hope you all will mourn my brothers death but more important celebrate his life as Chris was all about life and living... I started the celebration by cranking up Dirt floor in his honor...crying still.

Chris Whitley's Legacy will no doubt transcend all time.

Love and Light,
I'm very sorry to hear this news. I went to high school with Chris back in Vermont in the late 70's. I remember him as the kind of guy who, though he hung with a pretty 'tough' crowd, he always got along with everyone because of his contagious spirit and the fact that he never seemed to be judging anyone...he was more about acceptance which was extraordinary in those awkward teenage years. He was my age, and that is yet another reminder of how fragile and short life is. I loved his music, but never got to meet him again in the years after he (and I) left VT. I'll spin my favorite Whitley CD, his first, Living with the Law, today in his honor. Thank you for posting this Gmele.

Marco, I know what your mean about how fragile life is. I'm the same age and upon hearing the news I called a friend on the west coast who also loved his music. We decided we needed to see each other a little more often as the years start to pass by. I'll be joining you in spinning some of Chris's music tonight. Cheers...

That is devastating news. I had no idea he was ill (although I had heard of his recent drug problems). His music has been a part of my life for years.

RIP Chris.