Mike Doughty Fans?

I just wanted to give Mike some props in regards to his recent album Haughty Melodic. It is a great listen and has been one of my best purchases of 2005. I date back to the Soul Coughing days as a fan.. Anyone else?

I'm going to pick this one up. I heard a cut from it on local station during a Sunday morning program.

Love him...a great live performer as well. Is this released on vinyl as well?
Hmmmmm, his new album is rock but he is quite the Wordsmith. He usually tours with an acoustic guitar and a keyboardist. I just saw him a little over a month ago at the Black Cat in DC. He is a fantastic performer.

I am seeing him again in September at the 930 Club. This time around he is touring with a full band!

I saw soul coughing at the 9:30 club back in the day ('98)and I was actually lucky enought to trade for a a cd of the show. He is playing here in boston on the 13th and I'm amped for it.

And Mike, if you ever read this, here's a second plea to release haughty melodic on wax.
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