Specimen Products Hornling Speakers


I've recently purchased a pair of Hornlings from Specimen Products in Chicago.

For those who haven't seen these, here's some info:.


I visited their shop and listened to them on their custom tube amps, in which I plan on moving to in the future and they sound incredible. Currently, though, I am stuck with a B&K AVR 305 that I've been using to power my current system. My use is 70% music, 30% film and it's been great at producing a warm sound w/o a tube amp. It powers my Stax headphones perfectly but I am worried about how it'll handle these new Horn speakers.

Would hooking a simple L/R + sub setup directly to the AVR be too powerful for these and distort the sound? I'm hoping this won't cause any issues at least for the next 6 months until I am ready to full switch over my setup to tube amps.

If anyone has any experience using Specimen horns with powerful solid state amps, that would be great!

Should be fine; just don't turn it up to 11. Their sensitivity is not all that high.
How do you like the sound of these speakers? I live outside Chicago,are you in the Chicago area. I am interested in these . Thanks for any info.
Well, when I was at the shop talking with Ian, the owner/creator, we had everything running through their tube preamp/amp and it sounded fantastic for such a large workshop.
I am still waiting to pick them up and actually use them in a smaller enclosed room. They should be ready for pickup in two weeks so I will update as soon as I can once I get them home and all hooked up.
Thanks for your reply, please post when you get these speakers set up.