What are Epicure 3.0 Pyramid speakers worth?

I have a pair of Epicure 3.0 Series II Pyramid speakers that I am considering selling but I need to know how much to ask for them. I re-foamed the woofers and midranges about 15 years ago and had great results except for a rattle in one of the midrange drivers. I replaced both midrange drivers with some unknown name drivers I found at the local electronics store. They (the mids) have a power rating of 200 watts and sound good but are more efficient than the originals so I added l-pads to attenuate them. They now sound as good as the originals minus the rattle. I will include the original midrange drivers for the perfectionist to have rebuilt. The foam tweeter covers are in great shape. The front foam covers have long since disintegrated so I replaced them with round auto stereo speaker grilles. Not original but a good look anyway. I understand these speakers sold for $1000.00+ back in the 70's. Anybody out there have any input?
Apparently you haven;t listed to speakers in a while. SOME equipment MIGHT be comparable, but speakers - not a chance.

You try to sound like you know what you're talking about, so instead of arguing (again), out them on Craigslist, ebay or whatever, and try to convince someone to part with their money for them.
You asked a straightforward question and got a straightforward answer -- that you didn't like.
So then you want to argue about it - like that will change things. NO it won't. If you are no ale o deal with the information, only you may know why, then don't bother posting the question - plain and simple.