Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva

From the Bob Carver LLC Facebook site:

Some of you may have heard that Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva. It is true and a very exciting development for the company. We will remain a "Made in the USA" brand of Bob Carver designed products. There are lots of good things to come!!
Disclaimer: I have to state first that we are (were) a Carver dealer.

I agree. They initially said that nothing would change for their dealers. Now that they have the company, they can do anything they want. Bait and switch. I received an email from them confirming that the Black Beauty 305 will likely sell for $8,000 direct. I can only imagine how many dealer will not be very happy to say the least and they had a LOT of dealers.

We have a demo pair of these for sale here on AudioGon and had to drop the price considerable and may have to drop even more to unload them. It will be a huge hit but there is really no need in keeping them now.

Dragon-Vibe; I assume by Bob you meant Bob Carver. The other Bob that worked there was a great guy and a huge asset to the audio community.
06-25-13: Dragon_vibe
Its unethical how they treated there dealers. Now few are stuck with a unit they paid for more then current retail cost. If you ask me Bob and his friends are a bunch of thief's. No respect to dealers or those who paid high prices for this amp only to find out now its worth brand new at 50% of the price paid.
Dragon_vibe (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
I FEEL for you but it's life in the BIG city.

Just to show the huge margins in these products. Imagine the more expensive amps. Ouch!
The way I see it is there is nothing complaining will accomplish so its simply a matter of cutting our loss and move on. Its business. Plain and simple.
Dragon_vibe, "Its unethical how they treated there dealers."

No one felt more appreciative about Bob Carver's most recent venture than I. An all-American tube amplifier company, led by the legend himself who seemed to be in it because of his heart. But isn't this at least the fourth time he's pulled the rug out from under his dealers? Why do we keep falling for this guy's act?
I would never do business with a guy that can't keep his mind off his legacy and family wealth. Now that's easy for me to say because I have neither but I'd like to think I would be a better person than that. It's not a publicly held company after all.