what would you do?

What would you do if you bought a amp from supposedly reputable dealer and found out a year and a half later it wasnt the amp you bought at all but one of a totally different serial number and ? Wouldnt you think the dealer would know sometimes in that time period they sold the wrong amp to you? I the consumer am only buying one item if he has several amps similar he logs them by serial number therefore he knew he sold the wrong amp but said nothing, how is that even legal? it's a sad day when you cant trust the dealers on audiogon.
Why did it take you a year and a half to figure out the purchase was wrong, and why come on pinging a dealer without asking him first?
Sorry but just a little confused. Who buys amps based on a serial number? Every piece of equipment that I have bought new was by a model number; not serial number. If the carton was sealed, good enough for me. The only time I could see this being important is if you were buying a used amp and there were two identical ones out of their boxes that you auditioned. You liked one better than the other, picked it, and the serial number was the only way to differentiate between the two. Was this the case? Was it a used purchase? I cannot imagine in a new purchase a serial number would matter as long as you got the right model you were purchasing. Am I wrong? If so, can someone tell me why?
You are going to need a lot more proof to paint Upscale audio as anything but a A+ dealer. What did Kevin say when you called him, that's all that matters.

Several years ago I bought a blemished (B stock) record cleaner from him at a discount. When i drove out to his shop to pick it up, his staff couldnt find the B stock item so they sold me an A stock at the same price.

Phenomenal customer service.
Not dealer's problem - yours. You should have verified when you received the amp and discussed with the dealer then. Not now. Sorry, way too late. Dealers are people too. People make mistakes. Bring it to their attention within a reasonable time frame (1.5 years is not reasonable; more like within a few days of receiving the piece) and give them a chance to resolve.

Had you done this 1.5 years ago and the dealer not resolve, only then would I consider the dealer a dirty player.
The old bait and switch or maybe the shipping department made the error of sending you the wrong amp. I would expect better from a dealer and its too bad it took over a year to discover.

A few years back and reluctantly I purchased an Aragon 4004 MKII off EBAY. After receiving the amp I noticed the MKII sticker was not on the back of the amp. Contacted the seller and he said the sticker had fallen off a while back. I determined later it was not the MKII but I was charged the higher price for the this version. I have not made any more purchases on EBAY. "The EBAY gang rides again!"