Hegel H200

Any Hegel fans out there to share their views and experiences,
Excellent reviews but I would like to hear from people that are using this amp in their homes.
Considering to purchase this amp this coming week,
Regards to you all.
I have the h-100 and the only problem with it is that's it's not the h-200. The amps sounds fantastic ! Very natural and open, doesn't draw a lot of attention to itself but is still involving.
i am waiting for my H200 in black,
i decided to go black instead of silver that i had on my H100,
you are right the h100 is a great amp.
until you jump to the h200, rarely on sale hegel gear, people tend to stay with them.
Loving my H-30, running one as a stereo amp; as suggested by Robert Harley; don't need the extra watts, or costs of running monoblocks with this great sounding amp...leave it on 24/7, no problems....incredible midrange and vocals, great air, silence between notes...bass is very good, but I'm also breaking in new cables, hope to get more 'growl' on low end in a bit...
Mountainsong. Did you ever get the Hegel H200? If I remember correctly you currently run a Luxman.