Krell FPB 350Mcx's enough for THIEL 7.2's + CS5i's

I am hoping THIEL owners have some feedback regarding matching Krell Amps with these specific speakers. I have both the 7.2's and the 5i's. The 7.2's are in my primary dedicated listening room, and the 5i's are in the theater. I'd like to buy Mono's, but I am only running across the 350's for sale. I have concerns that these are enough for the low loads presented by the THIEL's. I'd like to have an amp that can handle either speaker so that I can swap them periodically and enjoy the subtle differences. Pre-Amp = Krell KCT, Let me know what experience you have with these speakers and Krell amps.
I wanted to circle back on this thread and let folks know that I ended up going with the Krell 650M's. Timing is everything, and these amps were the right amps at the right time and at the right price.

I am extraordinarily happy with them as I continue to re-explore my music collection. Power wise the amps drive the CS 7.2's effortlessly. I have not had the opportunity to move the CS5i's over to the listening room, but I am looking forward to it at some point. Right now I am focusing on upgrading my speaker wires.

Feel free to drop tips on wiring.

Congrats! Fantastic news! Enjoy...they are sensational amps and should provide you with tremendous sound for years to come.
Thanks Lloyde. I really feel fortunate to own these amps and have them in my system.

They are truely remarkable and have show me things that I didn't think were possible audio wise.

Everything that I thought were components of reflection and noise in my room have been removed. They were products of my amps in disguise.

Great stuff, David. It is remarkable what can happen when you put a piece of SOTA equipment into your system. It improves in ways you were not expecting, and it reveals subtle aberrations you did not quite hear were there...but only appreciate after they're gone! Enjoy!

Now what's your next big upgrade? ;)
The next big upgrade is going to either be a higher quality CD player, or perhaps a turntable. I currently do not have an analog source, so I might have to make the leap and give it a listen.