Mcintosh mc402 or pass x250.5

Well I'm done to choosing either the mc402 or pass x250.5 to drive my sonus faber cremonas. Wish I could preview both but alas that's not possible. I love the warm side of the cremonas but also don't want to lose detail. Guess I want it all. Both amps get great reviews and I am really in a dilemma on which one to choose. Thought I would get the valuable opinions from the seasoned audiophiles here. Any thoughts or advice is much appreciated.
Why not the Pass Labs XA-100.5s. With a 90 db, 4 ohm load great speakers like the Cremonas will sing! They deserve pure class A power.
Thanks guys for your suggestions. I did end up buying the mc. I didnt even realize there is a X and XA models of the 250.5. Good to know for the future, thanks.Got a great price on the mc so I suppose if I dont like it I could turn it around. But I really want to like it, time will tell. I did think about the XA-100.5 but they were a little out of my budget. So I will live with the mc402 for a while and keep looking for those mono blocks or the XA. Thanks again.
Oh by the way, I am using the little Eastern Electric mini max pre amp with some really nice NOS tubes. A telefunkin 12au7 in there and a Valvo (ecc83) and a nice rectifier (I think its an amperex. Sounds great through the Bryston 9bst. hopefully will sound better with the mac. (could always upgrade the pre amp too)