VAC Preamp: Is my Phono stage failing?

My VAC Standard LE preamp is exhibiting a loud, strange hum, heard in both speakers equally when MC Phono is selected. However, the hum doesn't show up until about 10 minutes of normal sounding LP playback. It gets louder with volume.

I think it may have to do with the unit getting to a certain temperature, since it starts the process over again if I turn everything off for 30 minutes – quiet for 10 minutes or so, then Wham! a loud hum that has me diving for the mute button!

If I switch the selector to any other setting, such as CD... dead silence. Could it be a phono tube going bad, and if so, how is it in both channels?

Any ideas (aside from calling Kevin, which I will do)?
Ag insider logo xs@2xalonski
Looks like I've got some research to do on then Purepower. That is interesting to know.
Glad your problem has been solved.

Sorry to hi-jack your thread.

Maineiac & others.

Don't guess or assume that your homeowner's insurance will cover your gear, in the event of a catastrophe.

Many policies have limits on home electronics.

I have a rider that covers my, tv, computers, etc, with full replacement. Overall, the coverage is not terribly expensive.

It's worth reviewing with your agent.
In talking to my agent about this potential issue, I ended up increasing the overall coverage but was told that, at least for my policy, there was not a limit on specific types of items (i have some other toys too). It is a good question for sure.
Same here, increased coverage to $50K replacement value, but no special rider. Who do you insure with?