Boulder 850 monos

Hi guys,

Has anyone heard or have experience with these monoblocks? I would be pairing them with a mcintosh c2300 pre.

I would be interested in any comments - particularly in relation to sonic signature, reliability, build quality.

I auditioned them a few years ago and was very underwhelmed. They were dull and lifeless, with less bass than the 50WPC Nagra tube amps I was using. I have been surprised by their positive reviews in the major stereo magazines. I've heard a lot of the big Boulders, and these did not share their sonic signature at all, in my opinion. I imagine that build quality and reliability are first rate.

I could not find anything I'd give up my Nagras for until I listened to a BAT VK-600SE.
Agree with Skreich. The Boulder 850s were quite unnotable to my ears as well. They are rather aesthetically pleasing though, if you're looking for 'cute' power. I heard them paired with Wilson & MBL speakers.

That said, Boulders 2xxx line is extremely impressive if you are looking for neutrality, transparency, and huge soundstaging.

In the 850s price range there are a lot of alternatives worth auditioning.
Anyone else here with experience on this power amps ? would appreciate some inputs. Reviews seems promising.