Why no heated gear?

Sitting here listening to The White Stripes with the tubes glowing, gear nice and warm, and sounding fantastic. All but two hours ago the system was cold and sounding rather unimpressive, as it does when cold. I got to thinking why don't manufacturers add heating elements to equipment to bring it too optimal temperature quicker. I remember reading about an esoteric speaker manufacturer that did this to his active speakers to eliminate that "cold" sound. That's all I have ever heard about it. Now I know I could turn the system on sooner when I want to listen but we all have those last minute listening sessions. In reality I should switch to SS and leave it on all the time, but my Mc275 is too good to get rid off. Please post your opinions.
The question WAS NOT asked, solely concerning TUBED equipment. In fact: the thread originator asked if he should switch to SS gear, so he could leave it ON all the time(and kept at temp). The atomic, or molecular, activities of EVERY circuit component(passive/active/connective), WILL be affected by temperature(and thus- the way they pass a signal). It's NOT Rocket Science, and ANYONE with a BASIC understanding of electronics/electricity SHOULD understand: (http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/restmp.html). NOT that resistance change is the whole story, but- it IS a major contributing factor in electronics morphing with temperature and/or warm up time(as Ms E connoted; Dielectric Absorption is a player as well).
BTW: I have a number Amp Warmers, like Mitch's, that have been CRYOGENICALLY TREATED and QUANTUM TUNNELED, selling for half of what he's asking.
Herman, I was trying to make a point, which my guess is that you understood exactly what I was trying to say even if it wasn't the best analogy. Foeget the analogies, why don't you enlighten all of us on this post. Personally, unless you live in a frigid area, this all seems extravagant and probably pointless for the type of equipment that is being discussed. You manage to criticize but offer valid answers only for temperature sensitive gear which is not what the original post was about.

The original question was

why don't manufacturers add heating elements to equipment to bring it too optimal temperature quicker.

It is ridiculous to think that externally heating a component won't do just that... "bring it to optimal temperature quicker." It matters not whether you think it is extravagant, that was not the original question.

As to the poster who pointed out that his garage won't heat an engine to operating temp.. same answer. Of course it won't, but an engine starting when it is room temp will certainly start easier and be ready drive more quickly than one that is freezing cold. Keeping it in a warm garage will "bring it to optimal temperature quicker."

As to the theory that tubes can't be warmed because they are in a vacuum, well, I'm sorry but that whole post simply makes no sense. If that were true then they would remain cool to the touch when operating. If heat can't get in then it can't get out. The simple truth is that everything inside is physically connected to everything outside through the base. The entire tube, inside and out, will eventually reach the same temp whether heated from within or from outside. Even if there wasn't a physical connection there is radiant heat which does travel through a vacuum as proven by the fact that we are warmed by the sun. Also, bias has nothing to do with "heat potential" between electrodes, in fact, there is no such thing as "heat potential" in a tube. Bias is used to establish the proper operating point for the tube. Too little bias and you increase distortion, too much can also lead to distortion and can overheat the tube.

Thank you everyone for the input.

I'm with you Herman, that some sort of heating would have a positive effect on the warm up process. I completely agree with all the posters that warm up is the only way to get the gear to sound it's best, my intent was to get a few opinions on "speeding" that process up with some sort of external/internal heating. It is my opinion that if a part becomes heated by normal operation during playback, then prematurely heating that part up to at or near operating temperature would result in quicker warm up times and shorter "cold sound" periods. My listening habits have changed and have become more sporadic and shorter in length. I have many nights where I plan to listen, I turn the gear on hours ahead and then not get a chance to listen. Therefore wasting electricity and putting hours on my NOS tubes. If I could get warmed up sound in about 15 minutes I would be a happy audiophile.