Why no heated gear?

Sitting here listening to The White Stripes with the tubes glowing, gear nice and warm, and sounding fantastic. All but two hours ago the system was cold and sounding rather unimpressive, as it does when cold. I got to thinking why don't manufacturers add heating elements to equipment to bring it too optimal temperature quicker. I remember reading about an esoteric speaker manufacturer that did this to his active speakers to eliminate that "cold" sound. That's all I have ever heard about it. Now I know I could turn the system on sooner when I want to listen but we all have those last minute listening sessions. In reality I should switch to SS and leave it on all the time, but my Mc275 is too good to get rid off. Please post your opinions.
Just so, the external heating of electronic equipment is not really effective.

I have a feeling I'm going to regret asking, but what do you base that on? Experience, some research you've read about, or just a guess? So you are saying an electronic component will behave differently if heated to the same temp if done externally rather than by dropping some voltage?

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I understand what Elizabeth is saying. Another analogy, if you pour hot water on the body of your car or heat it another way in the winter, is it going to run better? Of course not because it needs to be heated internally, the engine needs to be warmed up. It's the same with your gear.

Your analogy doesn't hold water. Pouring hot water on your car is a terrible analogy.. A better one would be if you store your car in a heated garage so it is heated all the way through, not just on the surface. In that case it would definitely make a difference, just like raising the internal temperature of an electronic component no matter how it is done will make a difference.

This is done all of the time in precision test equipment. Temperature sensitive components that would affect the precision of the instrument if their temperature was allowed to drift, for instance the components that determine the frequency of a precision oscillator, are kept in little "ovens" inside the device where their temperature is precisely controlled. They are typically heated since it is usually easier to keep something warmer than the ambient temperature than it is to keep it cooler.

Since all Elizabeth can do is claim "you missed my point" and can't offer any reasonable explanation of why heating something up externally or internally will make a difference, I'll consider the case closed.

I don't know about your garage, but mine won't heat up to the operating temp of an internal combustion engine.