SED Winged C el34. Help

I am tube rolling my Manley Snappers. I have heard many good things about the Winged C's. I have a few questions.
Are they reliable? I bought JJ el34's and the were like hand grenades in my amps. They blew and took out the tweeters and the woofers in my speakers! Ouch.
So I went to the EH 6ca7 at Manley's suggestion and they
have been reliable. However I would like to try the winged C's, but not at the expense of my speakers.
Also, where do I buy them. I saw a thread that said not to get the Svetlana version so I want to make sure I get the right tube. I have shopped at Tube Depot before but they don't sell them. Upscale Audio does but I have seen them for less at other dealers. Can you reccomend a good dealer?
I would also like to hear from those with experience with these tubes as to whether I can expect an upgrade over the 6ca7's.
Thank you, Scott.
I've used the JJ EL-34's in my VTL MB-125's with no problems at all... in fact they were very nice sounding as well. I used the new Electro-Harmonix also with good results. Could be your Snapper is harder on them than the VTL's? Tough call. I've used both and TubeDepot with satisfaction. Just my 2 cent experiences.
I replaced the stock Ruby's in my Six Pac amps with SED EL-34's from Jim McShane. More warmth overall and so far, more reliable.
The problem with jjel34's as I got it from Manley's tech is a recent batch problem. They used to ship them with Snappers no problem. Maybe yours are older good tubes. I can't say what they sound like other than BLAM!!!!!
I just bought two matched quads of winged C"s from antique electronic supply. $208 for the octet. Will give them two weeks and let you guys know.
Thanks for all your input.
The winged C's were a nice upgrade. Thanks for the recco-
mendations. They have more headroom then the eh6ca7's and the high end is more clear. Same solid bass. I also up-
graded the front end tubes to Mullard Black Sables from
tube depot. Unlike the JJ's these tubes are almost tottaly
silent. A nice all around upgrade.
Of course all this will most likely be benifiting someone
elses system since I just picked up Lamm 1.2 reference
monos here on the 'Gon. Couldn't resist. Do you blame me?
Thanks Guys, Scott.