Best preamp for my system.

I am looking to upgrade my preamp, and am looking for advice from experienced audio people. I am currently running an Emm Labs CD player into a Levinson 380S and then the Levinson 33H's and on to the Genesis 4 tower speakers. All signals running through Gabriel Gold Rapture IC's. What I like is a real lush sound, vocals being most important with respect to accuracy. Some preamps that I am considering are the ARC reference and Lamm Reference.......but am open to suggestions if a serious upgrade from my 380S can be had for less than those two expensive units.
Thanks Mark might just give you a call! I have done much reading based on feedback from members here and recommended threads..........yours was interesting Mark...entertaining!! Some other preamps that caught my eye from my reading were MBL6010D...but it seems alot of folks think the sound can be too big and not real, as amazing as that pre sounds from the reviews. The Shindo interests me, but not sure if it's single ended or balanced, I will have to check into it. The Halcro DM10 seems undeniable, but I just don't know about the design! ARC ref 3 is interesting, seems like most people think there is good bang for the buck with the ARC ref 3, but not alot of people raving about it......not much passion about it, seems strange for a tube reference amp......seems to me that when talking about us audionuts that most of the really over the top ones are tube people, and yet alot of folks like the REf 3 maybe even love it, but no passion in their words. That said.....I read about the BAT VK52SE and there are some passionate folks talking about that unit, so much so that it is at the top of my short list right now! I just read some about the Krell EVO 222, don't have much info on that so will have to look it up as well. Thanks again to everyone inputing their recommendations!
Hi Bullot, if HT bypass is mandatory, and you are more into tube domains, the VTL Ref7.5/7.5mkII is a great pre-amp and seems one possible option. However, if true quality sounding SS you are after, you can't go wrong with any of the FM Acoustics offerings, audition FM 245, or even their base FM 155--they may be diminutive in size, and design wise, 'simply' a far cry from the likes of MBL 6010D, but I'll wager you'll be pleasantly surprised by the performance. Browse through their website and users' testimonials. Goodluck.
Thanks Bvdiman, I will look into it! I had kind of dismissed the FM stuff cause the only one on here was $70000.............waaaaaaay tooooooo much! Hopefully the models you named are much more realistic in price! BTW, the HT byepass is not mandatory if the sound from a particular pre is that good! I will give the VTL a chance, I'm hearing lots good about them, but like Halcro I'm having a hard time getting past their looks!! I'm kind of strange that way though.......I like big Italian women better than the sleek California model!! Preference I guess!
The FM 245 should be around the 20k mark, FM 155 rrp I assume to be below 10k. Three fellow A'goners have quite recently made these worthwhile discoveries. Teck5--155, Spike1--245 and Flashunlock--255mkII, you might just want to look them up and have them share their thoughts and insights.
I have had the ARC Ref3 for a couple of years now and it is the best I've had. I've still tried other since but none come close to the sound quality I get from the Ref3.