Mastersound Amps. Anything similar you'd recommend

I've finally decided to sell my current setup of a Musical Fidelity A308CR and a pair of Electrocompaniet AW220 and B&W 703's as I just don't listen too music all that much lately.

Would like to replace it with something more simple and have listened to an integrated tube amp from Mastersound at a locar dealer and very much liked the warm sound.

The model was the 300 BSE or BPSE, the speaker brand I don't recall right now.

I'm thinking on selling my amps and getting the integratet first, then sell my speakers and hope that a pair of PMC OB1+'s will still be available here where I live.

Do any of you have any suggestions as far as integrated tube amps go that would be comparable to the Mastersound?

What I'm looking for is a warmish sound that is less fatigueing then what I get with my current setup.

I own the VAIC 300B SE which is made by Mastersound and is the same as the Mastersound 300B SE. Very nice sounding integrated amp which also has a "Direct" input which allows you to use a preamp. This is the way I run it. The big advantage to this is amp is the higher power output through use of either the 32B or 300BXLS tubes, mine has the latter. Unlike most 300B based amps this one puts out about 18 wpc and allows use of a far greater number of speakers. I am using mine with a pair of Kharma 3.1 speakers. This amp has a much more extended top and bottom than a typical 300B amp. Overall its a great sounding amp and IMHO worth considering.
I second Gjrad's opinion, as, thanks to him, I own the same amp (VAIC 300B SE), but use it set up for the 32b or 320B XLS tube (more top-end extension, less midrange presence). I ran Sonus Faber Concertino Home monitors (88dB/6ohm) with them and am just switching to Sonist Concerto 3s (95dB/8ohm).

I know both of the SS amps you mention, having auditioned them (they're good, but not SET).

I think the only comparable SET amps are made by Ayon (Austria) and those are even more expensive.

But VAC once made an excellent P/P integrated, called the Avatar, which you can pick up for a reasonable price used (one avail. now on A'gon). I'm not sure if it's still in production, but it may be. And Audio Note (UK) makes a 300b integrated w/phono called the Meishu, which is also affordable when it comes up used (rare).

Neither amp is quite like the VAIC/Mastersound 300B SE, though. But I do like them both quite a lot, especially the VAC Avatar.
Thanks guys for the quick response. I'll have to take a look which exact model it was the dealer had there and will do that soon.

I do like a good bottom end as that is what I'm currently missing (though I'm not sure whether that's the speakers or the amps I have).

As I don't have any experience with tube amps at all I don't know if it would make sense to keep the Electrocompaniets and use the Mastersound as a preamp. Guess that would somehow defeat the purpose as I could just sell my pre-amp and look for a tube pre-amp that fits my current amps.

As I'd like to reduce the overall physical size of the setup I do like the idea of the integrated a lot better.

The one thing I'm not sure about is whether or not the Mastersound would match well with the PMC OB1+ speakers I've heard at the same shop and liked a lot. At the time they were driven by Rega equipment and I did like very much.

It might make sense to actually replace my speakers first as I've read all too often that the B&W's aluminum tweeters are just a bit bright in some setups and that would allow me to see hear the PMC's with without changing the amps.

What about the Cayin amps? Would those compare to the Mastersound amps?

Thanks again