Dodd preamp vs. McCormack RLD-1 preamp

I am interested to know if anyone has any experience with both the Dodd battery powered preamp and the Steve McCormack platinum-modded RLD-1 preamp. I am looking to replace my ARC LS3 and both look interesting and in the same relatively affordable price range.

Thanks in advance.
What I love about the J is NPs decision to give it that very high input impedance (242kohm) specifically for the purpose of making it an easy load for tube preamps - a smart idea as the combination of a good tube preamp with the J is as Glenn now knows is a killer "low cost" combination; it would also proabably be very receptive to a passive preamp like a Bent Tap X. The one caveat with the J is you need "tube friendly" speakers for it to work best (highish and smooth impedance) - like the Merlins. With more "difficult" speakers I would make the move to the Pass XA30.5 with the Dodd - while the XA30.5 is not as easy a load for tube preamps, the Dodd has a very low (200ohm) output impedance for a tube preamp making it very capable of driving most SS amps - even the 15kohm XA30.5.
Read the review at
Just to add something to this old thread: I have a McCormack ALD-1 w/Steve's A+ revisions (separate power supply, full reworking of the internals, basically upgraded as much as possible) and on a lark, just purchased a used Dodd through the 'gon. Once I get it fired up, I will let you know how it sounds. FWIW, the ALD-1 (which obviously isn't the RLD-1 platinum, but is very similar performance-wise when it has the top level of revisions) is a very special preamp. I borrow or buy a preamp (used) now and then to see if something beats the ALD-1. Last 3 challengers were an ARC LS-26, McIntosh C2300 (w/Telefunken Smooth plates), and Modwright Signature 9.0, all of which came up short. Hoping the Dodd bests them and gives the ALD-1 a run for it's money, and for what I paid for it, I will probably keep it as a different "flavor" of a pre, even if it doesn't exceed the ALD-1's performance. Will report back.....
Dawg, congrats on the Dodd, but I would suggest going to the Dodd website and reading Gary's latest notes on battery charging in order to get the best results. I ended up getting rid of my Dodd because of battery reliabiity and charging issues, but I did so reluctantly, because it was certainly one of the best sounding units I've ever owned.
I bought an RDL-1 for $850.00 and sent it straight to SMcAudio for the 2012 platinum mod (it changes with time) for $3K. Why? Well, I like the basic sound of the MAP-1 and DNA-225 that I owned and Steve's reputation. I really liked the basic layout and build quality of the MAP-1 / RLD-1, too. I didn't say "fancy" I said quality.

I'll report back on my findings but I suspect that this will be a real nice spot to relax awhile and enjoy the music. The pre-amp is to ship about the 15 of March 2012.