Mcintosh MC252 vs. MC402

Has anyone auditioned both of these amps? Is the MC402 worth the extra money?
I had a 402 which I sold to buy an ARC Ref 110. I knew I really liked the 402, but thought the new Ref 110 would take my mind off it. But I really missed it a lot, as it is the best sounding solid state amp I have heard, including many of the recently rave reviewed mega amps from the top brands. I tried a 252, to save some cash, as I am still keeping my Ref 110 also, but it was just not the same in my system. The 252 was good, very good even, but not with the clarity of the 402. I am using it with a Ref 3, which is a bit of a microscope on these things. If you cannot swing the 402, then the 252 is a fine amp. But the the 402 is "just right". I have heard the 501's are even better, but that they are a little warmer sounding. That is enough for me to stay clear of them. I literally would not change the sound of the 402 in any way at all. Totally transparent, powerful, involving, and revealing.
Comparison would very much depend on your speaker requirements. That said,I agree with Aball's comments with the exception of the looks, my prerefence being the shorter MC252. They are similar in proportion to the MC501's & easier to manage.

I have not heard both in the same system so cannot comment. I have previously owned a MC352 & now own a MC252 in the same system. I prefer the 252, which to me sounds more real. Another comment I have read is the 252 is more similar in sound to a 501 than a 402.

I would urge you to visit the Audiokarma McIntosh forum (if you haven't already) and read comments made by Ron C. on the MC252. Sometime you have to read between the lines :).

Also in my experience, using a Mac Pre with a Mac power makes all the diffence.
Good luck!