Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism

The 300B amp that I am using has a magical euphoric (not euphonic) realism and I am looking for a linestage and phonostage with the same qualities. The amp is not euphonic, romantic, 'golden', 'vintage,' soft, fuzzy, or veiled. It is immediate, transparent and fast, yet beautiful, 'human,' and emotionally communicative.

I have tried the top models from each of the following maufacturers so there is no need to suggest these:

Jeff Rowland

The preamp must be tubed and not passive.
If you'd like you can click the 'threads' link beside my name and read my very long and boring threads that attempt to explain what I'm looking for. I realize that most audiophiles don't know what I'm talking about most of the time so I'd rather not try to restate it all in this thread.
I would look into getting an Alaap Audio full function pre by Nick Doshi. It could pair nicely with your amp. Clean, fast, extremely neutral. No coloration or bloat. On the emotional level, it keeps me enthraled night after night.

Just as a disclaimer, I've only heard a few from your list, the Supratek, ARC, and Hovland.
The Messenger preamp has the exact characteristics that you describe...and those traits are precisely why I bought the preamp in the first place.
Wow. With the list of preamps you have already tried, I would hestiate to recommend anything as a sure thing for you. One preamp that is fast and not euphonic is the CAT SL1, and I imagine the new CAT Legend, but hard to really know if they will give you what you want, but they should proabably be auditioned.