Cary SLI 80 with B&W 703 will it be a good match?

Looking to add a tube-based integrated to my setup. I already own a pair of B&W 703's and really like them, my only grip is that they aren't exactly an easy load for most amplifiers.

I haven't found much info about their impedance curve but what I did find is this (ultimateavmag):

- Minimum impedance is 2.8ohms at 100Hz.
- Impedance remains below 4ohms from about 79Hz to 400Hz
- I would conservatively rate its nominal impedance at 4ohms.
- The 703's sensitivity measured about 88dB/2.83V/m

My source is a squeezebox v3, I don't listen to music at very loud levels. The output is typically 80-85dB (or less), I still want there to be sufficient bass at that output level though (ideally it shouldn't add or take away anything bass-wise).
You have speaker that may not be tube friendly, certainly not SET friendly. I have a TAD 60 el34 based power amp rated at 30 to 60 watts depending on whether you want to run UL or Triode mode. I think it would do the trick and cost you a lot less than the Cary. I haven't found a speaker yet that this amp couldn't drive to your level of listening. There were a couple on A'gon for 7 or 8 hundred. I have had several tube amps and this is my favorite so far. I have had the primaluna 2, shanling stp 80, and others.
I have a Cary SLI 80 with a pair of B&W CDM-1SE's. They sound very good together, the Cary in fact is an upgrade from my McIntosh MA6450. I am not completely in love with the Cary & in fact may switch back to a different Mac but they certainly work well together. I would say you will drive the 703's fine with the Cary.
There is nothing really but before I purchased the Cary I ran an older Mac 2505 & was blown away by the sound so I am switching back. I am a fan of the Cary but it is not the Mac sound I am lusting after now. I think there is great synergy between the Cary & B&W's but for my listening taste I could use more power. I listen to rock music exclusively & want a bit more oomph, perhaps the Cary is a little too polite as well. Again, none of it is the fault of the amp, I think for you it will be fine especially since you listen at lower volume levels.