LammLP2 vs. Arc PH_7

Hi gang,
Would any of you who have owned or experienced either of these phono amps care to evaluate them one on one?
My system is s.s. and i'm not looking to start "tube rolling" these products, just want to know if there is a clear winner between them.
Kuzma t.t. and arm and MBL pre and amps...

I am puzzled about your latest post. I thought you were moving to a Wilson turntable? It appears that our discussions may have been premature? Please email me to clarify before I put much effort into our prior discussions.

Thank you.
I have limited experience with the Lamm LP2, (a friend owned one) and none with the PH-7. If you choose the Lamm, you should REALLY make sure that your cartridge is set up to work with the Lamm, as the Lamm has only two settings, MC and MM. It does not allow you to adjust gain or loading. (However, if you do get the right cartridge, it will sound very good.)

As you are obviously looking at a top end phono preamp, I would suggest taking a look at the ASR Basis Exclusive. This is a dual battery powered phono preamp that can handle two inputs, so you can run two turntables and/or tonearms. It is fully adjustable, as far as gain and/or loading. It has plenty of gain, so you can easily run very low output MC cartridges. It is dead silent with virtually no background noise. (And being solid state, there no tube noise to worry about, or tube rolling.) It is very musical, and is the best phono preamp I have heard.

My two cents worth.
I heard LP2 many many times.
Magic,black silence and all was so alive...
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