Preamp: Mcintosh vs Modwright?

I asked this on the Bryston board over at Audio Circle and was hoping that some of you Agoners may provide some help.

I am looking for a tube pre to go with my 14b (speakers are OB1's) and am looking at either a
Modwright SWL 9.0SE or a Mcintosh C220.
This would be moving my Musical Fidelity CD-Pre24 to handle just cd playback and no preamp duties.

Feature wise, the Mac is more than I will use (no turntable in my system), where as the Mod, being
only a linestage will probably be enough to handle any future components.

Has anyone had the chance to compare these two pre's with a Bryston amp?

If I go for the Modwright, I would get it with the SWL Tube Recificatication Upgrade.
Cost wise, this would make about $3000 for a new SWL vs $3300 for a new C220.
I realize on the used market (Agon), the Mac may command a slightly higher resale price than the Mod.

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Mrtennis,

That jives with what I have read.
From what I understand, the new optional tubed power supply adds a little more tube sound to the unit.
Was the one you listened to equipped with the standard ss supply?
Did you get a chance to compare the c 220 to the c2200?

I really like the Modwright. I just sold it because I wanted to get his new one with the phono stage. While it's true the 9.0SE isn't too tubish, the new tube rectification upgrade does push it that direction. The Modwright ads seemed to have tapered off since the tube rectification option was made available.
IMHO, you can't go wrong with the Modwright. I like knowing that as they find better options, they always offer a path to upgrade.
Hey Jam,

I take it that you have the new SWLP 9.0SE in your system now?
A side from the phono section, it sounds like you like the addition of the tube PS in your new unit?
What amplifier are you using in your system?

Ya, I really like Dan's approach and he is very accessible. He has already answered a few questions that I emailed him on and his responses have been very prompt and clear.

A few weeks ago there were several nice sounding ads, but not much right now. What price did you end up selling your SWL for?

I am guessing next month when the new LS 36.5 is released there may be a few more SWLs for sale with guys wanting to upgrade... or does nobody upgrade in this hobby.

Yes, I do have the SWLP now. I was able to compare them directly while I had both. The tube supply really is worth it. My only slight criticism of the SWL is it could sound clinical at times. It was paired with Channel Islands D200's, which I still use. They are pretty revealing amps. I was OK with that because I like being able to hear into the music and I enjoy hearing the details. The SWLP adds a touch of warmth. The bass is deeper and more articulate. Instruments and vocal tonality a little fuller and better defined. The soundstage front to back also improved a lot. Some recordings you could swear you're listening to a surround system.
I sold the preamp at my asking price of $1400. There was a lot of interest. It was lower than some because of a nick I put in it with my VPI ring. But it had just come from Modwright where Dan had replaced my Dact attenuator with the stock and thoroughly checked and replaced tubes.
From your description, I think the SWL with the tube supply is just what I am after, providing I get a simular result with my Bryston.
Machman seems to have gotten that with his 3B.

I just emailed the one and only SWL seller to get a little more info on his unit.
His ad mentions that he had Dan add a set of balanced outputs and he is asking more than you did.
Have you seen that ad, what do you think?

His has been for sale for 17 days with over a 1000 views... hmm.
Maybe it is an old/early model, serial# 005515SE and he is getting less interest?