Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
From "Zen and the Art of Debunkery" by Daniel Drasin

complete list of debunker's tools at:

Selected Tools of the Determined Debunker:

1. Label any poorly-understood phenomenon "occult," "fringe," "paranormal," "metaphysical," "mystical," "supernatural," or "new-age." This will get most mainstream scientists off the case immediately on purely emotional grounds. If you're lucky, this may delay any responsible investigation of such phenomena by decades or even centuries!

2. Accuse investigators of unusual phenomena of believing in "invisible forces and extrasensory realities." If they should point out that the physical sciences have *always* dealt with invisible forces and extrasensory realities (gravity? electromagnetism? . . . ) respond with a condescending chuckle that this is "a naive interpretation of the facts."

3. When an unexplained phenomenon demonstrates evidence of intelligence (as in the case of the mysterious crop circles) focus exclusively on the mechanism that might have been wielded by the intelligence rather than the intelligence that might have wielded the mechanism. The more attention you devote to the mechanism, the more easily you can distract people from considering the possibility of non-ordinary intelligence.

4. Engage the services of a professional stage magician who can mimic the phenomenon in question; for example, ESP, psychokinesis or levitation. This will convince the public that the original claimants or witnesses to such phenomena must themselves have been (or been fooled by) talented stage magicians who hoaxed the original phenomenon in precisely the same way.

Actually, I have heard a difference with Nespa-tized discs (as I have with RealityCheck discs). I still prefer the original versions, though.
I had a guest staying with me for a few days, so I put him the sweet spot and played some tunes, I loved his reaction, he just kept repeating, in a tone of amazement: "You don't need drugs, you don't need drugs..."
Post removed 
Tvad, one of the things that has always struck me is the difference between Audiogon and AudioAsylum. On AudioAsylum most controversies swiftly get to the next page and out of view. Here as long as anyone posts controversies stay on and on. I also think trolling is more common on AudioAsylum as old topics swiftly go out of sight so you can start another.

Many of the worst posters, but certainly not all, post exclusively on AA and not here, but also some of the most informed post exclusively there also.