Is There any Truly "High End" Integrated Amp?

I'm a reasonably well experienced audio nut and have tried a number of "good" integrated amps. I wonder, though, if there are integrated amps that are good enough for the "best", most revealing speakers. (Think Avalon Eidolon, Verity Parsifal, various JM Lab Utopias, and a variety of other fine speakers that do not have mammoth power requirements.)

People talk about the Levinson, the Musical Fidelity KW-500 and the lesser MF amps, the BAT integrated, The Rowland Concerto, etc. etc. etc.

I would like to hear from people who have actually tried the top tier of integrated amps and would be very interested in learning of their findings.

Don't need to be the most expensive. Could be the YBA Passion, Classe, MacIntosh 6900, Krell 400i, or any of a number of integrated amps that are supposed to sound good.

Hope to hear some good feedback.

Thanks very much.
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Someone wrote me this morning and suggested that the SimAudio Moon I-7 (apparently a "brand new" integrated amp) is the equal of any on the market and better than SimAudio's own comparably priced separates (the P5 & W3).

Has anyone heard this amp?
Of course integrated amps can be high end. I put a similar thread up a couple of months ago and got slapped down for suggesting they could match a top of the range pre and monoblocks. Well perhaps an integrated can't match the very best separates, that does'nt mean they are not High End. It seems manufacturers are putting more effort into integrated amps. not all, CJ for example does'nt have a current integrated.
I have gone from separetes to 2 good integrated amps. The first is the Viva Solista, mentioned by Larri, an 18 watt 845 SET . Certainly makes the best sound I have had out of my system, with drive and dynamics belying the 18 watts. If the dam thing did'nt keep blowing capacitors and it did'nt cause the streetlights to dim , with the power it draws, it would be perfect. The other is a Lavardin IT, which fully deserves its reputation.
As others have mentioned, there are so many other good products, from Jadis, the Musical Fidelity KW, Accuphase, VAC, never mind the plethora of excellent new, high value Chinese amps. I can't remember there being better choice