Modwright SWL 9.0SE -vs- Aesthetix Calypso?

I was just wondering if anyone out there has owned both, heard both, or compared both the Aesthetix Calypso and the Modwright SWL 9.0SE preamps?
If so, what were the sonic differences between the two?
Which is overall sonically superior?
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
I can honestly say that the ModWright is a terrific preamplifier ,very opened and detailed and very good at
both the extremes and very involving ,It is in my experience the best under 5k preamp on the market. I also own the Calypso . This is the most complete and involving preamplifier at under 10k, there will be a few out there that will disagree as always, read the several reviews against units at more than 2x the Calypso
price. I hear further into the music then with any preamp
previously in my home, and musical textures and shadings as good as any preamp at any price! With vintage valves another 10% so.These two preamplifiers rewrite what is possible in the respective price -performance catagorys.
Pjl2122/Aaudiophile: have you never had a noise issue with the Calypso? I´ve read many comments stating the Calypso is noisy which until now kept me away from the unit. I too consider the SWL 9.0 SE but as I use Ayre V-5xe as power amp (true balanced design)and the SWL 9.0 SE is a none balanced design I fear a possible loss of sound quality.
The Modwright you own/compared to the Calypso was a standard SWL 9.0 SE or already a unit equipped with DACT stepped attentuator, Bybee filters, Cryo´d tubes?
Thanks for your commets.
a total modified Signature Modwright with the Tube rectification upgrade with Bybee purifiers
and vintage tubes and of course a high quality power cord
I use the Acoustic Zen Tsnami a great pc. is very close to the Aesthetix , and some will prefer this taste it is pretty close. p.s the new Dodd Battery powered pre is
more natural sounding than either of them and I may be getting one soon.