My oh my....guys check this out
I only posted this hear because this subwoofer trully represents and advance in audio technology. Its not nice to call it insane. In an industry where very little progress is made, this sub is a very exciting invention. I am dying to hear how it sounds.

I am sure that in a properly tunned box (in this case adjacent room), Jurassic Park will really sound like you have a dinosaur walking around in your house. To me, this is what exciting home theater is all about.

This kind of bass could also really add to the thrill and excitement of music. When I get to demo this thing I will blast Metallica as loud as I can.

Or how about some deep organ notes?
I think Sennheiser guys will have a tough task trying to "scale down" this for their customers!!!
I will not even look at it. I don't care how good it sounds, it CANNOT sound 26 times better than a $500 subwoofer.
Shopsmartjazz, you must be kidding. Most $500 subs simply have no place in a serious music system since all the put out is muddy bass, characterized by "one note thump". A good subwoofer such as a REL, Revel, or Wilson Watchdog really will sound about 26 times better then your $500 subwoofer.