Gryphon Callisto 2100

I would like to hear your opinion on this int amp.
How it compares with similar priced products etc.

Thank you very much for your input.
I have been using Gryphon integrated for 3 years, never had any problem. I know that there is difference in software version from 1.1 to 1.4, the newer version runs cooler than earlier ones, probably to address reliability issue. The older version can be upgraded by downloading new software, I think.

In general, what I heard is that the Gryphon integrated amps are fairly reliable, which was my experience too. I did hear that its class A amps runs really hot, and may have reliability issue in not well ventilated set up. However, I had no personal experience with its class A amps at all.
I compared this amp with a Manley Stingray head to head last year. I much prefered the Manley. The Callisto was too dry and lifeless to my tastes.
Well,the Gryohon went up in "smoke,fire and sparks" No local backup,officially.Havent had the feeling of having it repaired yet.Will also not send to the factory,due to cost of repair and freight cost.I amy also not contact Gryphon directly ....

Not impressed,at all !!