DarTZeel Preamp

Does anyone have experience with the new DarTZeel NHB 18NS Preamplifier? A few 'Goners have commented on hearing the unit at 2005 CES, but I was wondering in particular if anyone has purchased one, or heard one in a familiar system or at a dealer for instance. Thanks.
Just FYI, I had a looong reply planned for Frank, but as the adults we are, we contacted each other offline and resolved ALL our differences in a most understanding and friendly manner. As far as both of us are concerned, this matter is settled. Period. It does not affect my friendship with JTinn in the least--I still love the guy like an older brother--but it's always better to have two friends than one. Frank and I both understand that to err is human, to forgive divine (Grandmaster Flash said that, right? :). Bickering like we've seen here is not only meaningless, it also hurts what matters most to us: this hobby and the friends we make from it. It also hurts a great company, DarTZeel, and an even greater man, its owner, Herve Deletraz. Let's try to put agendas and egos aside, and enjoy what we're all in this wacky pursuit for: the MUSIC and the ability to enjoy it in the luxury of our own homes at the highest possible fidelity. Can I get an amen?
Thank you again, Mmalin.

At this point, could we all go back to the product itself?

jakesommers@netscape.net I would have no reservations about buying any product that Jonathan represents.

Talk with any of Johnathan customers and you will hear nothing but praise about him and the way he takes care of his customers. I have little doubt that should a problem arise with anything Jonathans sells he is going to be in the customers corner.
just reading this thread can make you physically and emotionally drained!!
i hope the manufacturers of these and other products are paying attention! talk about a negative first impression !! it's the products sales that may suffer through personalities overtaking facts...
may i suggest that if you need to get personal,take it off the original posting and go at it on your own e-mail!!
your all too saavy to exhibit yourselves like this.
With the recent press about the darTZeel products,
I was going to consider this on my next upgrade.
But after seeing the importer's childish behavior on this thread (as well as his need to get the final word in)
I would never consider a product represented by him.
PLEASE to have to rely on him for service????????