Joe Strummer RIP

Joe Strummer ex of The Clash has died at age 50.
Some press reports indicate a heart attack as cause of death.
Sad .. end of a great great era and good part of my disfunctional youth which I loved !

The Clash were, for my money, the last great mythical rock'n'roll band. Strode the earth like gods it seemed to me, the way I thought the great bands used to, like Elvis, like Dylan. They saw to this themselves, engaging in self-mythologizing to a degree not seen since the heyday of the Beatles and Stones. But they backed it up just as well, with music that truly earned them their audacious (and self-annointed) moniker, "The Only Band That Matters". I only saw them once; drove 250 miles round-trip with a couple of good friends in an old beater at age 17, one of my most fondly remembered rock shows ever. I don't think Joe Strummer's singing was ever caught on record as powerfully as he came across live. A genuine original - we won't see his like again around these parts.

P.S. - VH1 promises two hours on Strummer and The Clash tonight at 10pm est.
This is tragic. "London Calling" is a classic. Of all the band out of the late seventies, they were one of the best.
Every time I wander around shopping for groceries I sing "I'm all lost in the supermarket". Yeah, I get a lot of strange looks, s'okay. Damned talented band who "disappointed the critics" by not being the next Beatles. Rest peacefully Joe, your memory will live on forever.
The CLASH will always rule! One of the most unique bands that ever was. Was shocked to hear the news. RIP, Joe.
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