Help with compression and dynamic range

I'm 51. After a 15 year period of dealing with mortgage payments and childcare needs, I'm trying to get back into higher-end audio quality - especially when it comes to dynamic range in concert DVDs. I've recently spent countless hours trying to research CDs, MP3s and compression issues - with no resolve.

How can I tell which concert DVDs offer wider dynamic ranges? Or, for that matter,CDs? Is there a rating on the covers? I'm willing to do my homework if anyone can give me a reference. I've just read "Get Better Sound" by Jim Smith with no resolve.

Also, I'm looking to purchase a DVD player which will maximize sound quality when I can determine which DVDs and CDs are recorded with minimum compression and wider dynamic range. Can anyone explain what to look for when purchasing a higher-end DVD player. I've seen ratings for DACs, but am unsure what they mean.

ANY help is appreciated.
Ok , I was using the term incorrectly . Case closed .

Kewadinbob ;
I apologize for your thread getting hijacked .
Please stay tuned .
Kewadinbob ;
Try these , they are a start .

Good luck .
I was just thinking about this last night after the CSN show I attended. It occurred to me that the dynamic range is what gives the music life, the organic feel it produces. When compressing the dynamic range music just isn't the same. Maybe this is why so many prefer live music over recorded.
Or live recordings over studio; I realize live recordings are compressed too but I seem to prefer live recordings. Is it the "sense" of dynamic range, arrangements of songs, the more raw and powerful feel of live? I don't know.