Clear Day w Solid State, any users and impressions

Im leaning towards clear days for speaker cables, only hesitating because, being overseas, I cant try em out but have to commit. And so am wondering if there are any others out there running pauls cables w ss gear, and whether silver's alleged lack of warmth manifests itself especially strongly w ss gear.
Also, Paul recommended matching speaker sensitivity to strand density, sothe lower your sensitivity, the more strands he suggests you use. I was wondering what sensitivity speakers folks are running w whch type of Pauls cables, and whether you had a chance to compare the different types on your system. My speakers are 90db sensitive, and am thinking of getting pauls shotguns, as the doubles are too expensive for me right now. Thanks,

I have Paul's double shotguns, which replaced my Audioquest Volcano's. They were better in most areas except the lower bass.

Paul is a pleasure to deal with. Customer service is first rate!
I find going to Paul's higher gauge adds more warmth to the tonal balance, IMHO
I have the Double Shotguns and have listened to them on nothing but solid state amplifiers. They are not bright IME. I would characterize them as neutral with well controlled bass and smooth, open, mids and highs. They offer very good detail with excellent staging. Highly recommended cables.
I agree. Clear Day cables are great sounding speaker cables and are not bright. I have used mine with plenty of solid state gear. They do not sound stereotypically like silver (edgy, bright, etc.) so they work equally well with both tubes and solid state.