has anyone else tried Lloyd Walkers latest tweak

Lloyd Walker has a new tweak: the black diamond crystal for cartridges. It's a crystal you put on either the tonearm or the cartridge that [I KID YOU NOT] transforms the sound!
I know, I know, [don't ask me to explain it,I can't] it can't be all that, but i'm tellin you try this thing [if you don't like it you can return it] for less than half the price of a really good cartridge you get A REALLY GOOD CARTRIDGE!!!
Please post your experience
Btw, I was using in the wrong way the MD clock and with out the spray.

I will make my tests again in the right way and will share with all of you the results here.

Regards and enjoy the music,
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Dear Benjie: I'm only speculating. I agree that the bass can be " very clar " ( clean up ) but deeper?. Example stylus/cantilever pick up a 22 hz frequency please explain how do you think that the crystals can covert that 22 hz to 20hz to go deeper as you states? if that is happening then I don't want this kind of signal manipulation because I want the 22 hz frequency that is in the recording and not the " false " 20 hz one: got it?

Yes, I posted that I have to pull the trigger and experience it.


Regards and enjoy the music,
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