Event Opal professional active monitors

After having read great reviews I'm considering them as first equipment in a second house, connecting them to my music server and DAC (Lavry DA 11). According to users they are extremely transparent but still musical and not tyring. Great bass, mids and highs. Sounds too good to be true.

Anyone who has had them or auditioned them at lenght and can comment on them?

Also looks like manufacturer changed the tweeters after sourcing issues. Has anyone been able to compare both versions?


(I'm re-starting this thread as I messed up in my first one, over writting the Question with my username. My apologies)
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While googling for the ATC, I found out its tecnical specs which helped me to understand what you mean about potential issues with horizontal dispersion. Figures for the SCM 25 are: horizontal dispersion 80 degress, vertical dispersion 10 degress. Swithching the layout would produce an extremely narrow sweetspot. Clear now!

Also ATC seems to be a step ahead from KH in terms of resolution. Cost reflects it as well. That was quite shocking provided that many reviews give the O310 top ratings in this chapter...

As I would use them just for listening, not for mixing, I'm not sure if the difference would be worth. In any case I need to thing a little bit on how convenient a "portrait" position would be in my sitting room.

Maybe I need to order a couple of different speakers from shops with a one month trial period and make my decision based on what I hear.

All, thanks againg for sharing your experience.
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