Aerial 7T/6 vs Vandersteen Quatro/Treo/2Ce Sig II

I am still trying to make up my mind on which Vandersteen speaker to get. Leaning towards 2Ce Sig II.

I came across Aerial Acoustics speakers and read the reviews of 7T and 6 which caught my interest. I do not think I can audition them where I live so I have no way to compare them to Vandersteen.

I was caught by the reviews mentioning how Aerial Acoustics speakers throw a large soundstage and very good with instrument placing/imaging.

I want to hear from people who have spend good time with both Vandersteen and Aerial speakers on how they compare.

Any insight is helpful
During my audition of the Aerial, I was disappointed.
OTOH, I would like to hear from those who have compared the Vandy TREO and QUATTRO...
I've heard the old Aerial 7's twice in the same room with different electronics. Once with lower powered tubes (boring)and then again with high current solid state (wow). So, be careful when you audition--their sound can vary considerably. On the Vandy's, John will kill me but I'm no fan of the 2's. The Quatro's however are very nice indeed and the 5's are one of my all time fav's--wish I could afford them and they were prettier to look at.....
Hi Dodgealum,

How different is the sound from Aerial compared to Vandersteen in your opinion?.

Right On! Dodgealum.

I really wanted to like the Aerial, it was paired w/ ML gear, so no quality problems there. Must have been the acoustical space?

As far as Vandy goes, I have had the pleasure of demoing a few variations of the 2 series, up to, the 3A. These demoes have been w/ many different combos of gear. The Vandy is most flexible in that manner.

Maybe one day, I will get a chance to compare the 3A to the 5A. Then, the Treo against the Quattro...
I can't comment on the Vandies. But I got a good listen in with the Aerial 7Ts in a superb room with a superb system. I auditioned Magnepan 3.7Rs the same day in the same room with the same equipment. The Maggies ran circles around the Aerials, at half the price. I also wanted to like the 7Ts. I have had maggies for 20 years and I wanted to try a dynamic speaker. The Aerials were a big disappointment. I actually liked Dali Helicon 400 Mk IIs much better than the Aerials.