5 best selling newish speaker brands in 2013?

Thinking about looking at speakers, but there are too many. What brands are the most popular? Please keep it to 5 or it defeats the purpose...thanks.

Hopefully it won't just be B&W, Magnepan, the usual suspects. Say, stars in the range 1000 to 4000 -ish.

Tom...which one stayed with you. Don't know why, but did not like the Linns. Vapor was taking off when I stopped paying attention, and Salk was well established in front but never had heard any. The others are new to me, thanks.
Bjesian, tubes definitely. Sounds like a killer system you fortuned into. Have not been able to hear Focals or Tylers or Totems or Aerials. Have not heard of Nolas.

It's clearly going to take a week long trip up the west coast to hear most of these. My idea of a vacation.

Thanks all for the suggestions. Most names I'm familiar with.

Tom, down ported so the bass wave doesn't rattle the windows? Probably a good idea, I'm using 3 6-foot sliding glass doors as the wall facing the view.

Thanks again.
Bjesien, why not the Zu? Just asking because of all the B-stock deals on Ebay, and they are loverly....

Never heard a full range. Not a B&W fan either.

I know where there is a MINT pair of ProAc 2.5s. The guy who sold me my mint OneSCs. All Yew. He will be my first phone call when I'm ready. He may want to trade back, but otherwise he won't let go of his 2.5s. D40R is amazing but too rich for me.