Follow up questions regarding my NAD C375BEE

I recently placed a posting regarding the protection circuit activating on my NAD C375BEE running Totem Model One Signature speakers. A poster on another forum indicated that the NAD is not robust enough to operate at the impedance load presented by the Totems and that I have damaged the amplifier. Prior to my purchase I did some internet research and found many folks running Totem speakers (including the Mani 2!) using NAD amplification without this issue. Any information or guidance regarding this dilemma would be greatly appreciated. If any readers noticed my first posting I failed to include my REL Strata II subwoofer in my roster of equipment. The REL developed a hum when I introduced the NAD into my system. Coincidence or related to my problem?
Thank you, Joseph
The hum you have picked up in your sub is probably a ground loop from the offset differential of the ground planes between the amp and the sub. These can be difficult to resolve. Might try lifting the ground on the amp and see if it goes away (or sub.)
Sometimes, the ground differential can be enough to cause such a reaction by the amp. However, my gut tells me your amp has a problem. I would pack it off to a service center for a check. NAD equipment is decent but historically, it has been known to have some issues. This series is no exception.
The NAD is certainly robust enough to drive the Totem's. Even though the speaker has a relatively low impedance in a narrow range (3.8 ohms) it is not that hard of a drive due to the speakers phase angle performance. Any decent amp should work well with these speakers.
Thank you Bigtee....I am not ignorant but certainly technologically challenged. How does one lift a ground? I will embarrass myself by inroducing a question whose answer is no doubt known to many, if not most! Thank you...Joseph