Integrated amp recommendations with A/B speaker

I'm looking for recommendations for an integrated amp in the $1-1.5K range, new or used that has A/B speaker outputs.

I am considering consolidating two systems into one with the idea of driving two sets of speakers in different rooms with one source and integrated amp.

The source will be a Linn Unidisk-SC, speakers are Linn Katans and Ninkas.

The usual suspects (Linn Majik, Rega Brio, Naim Nait) all have one set of speaker outputs so I'm looking for other ideas.


There are (new) models from Yamaha, NAD, and Marantz in your price range that offer A/B speaker selection.
Thank you for the ideas, I will have a look. I actually have a Marantz PL 6004 which is nice. The next model up in the Marantz line also has a/b outputs.

After my original post I remembered that some Creeks have a/b outputs.

Any other ideas?
I went with a Creek 5350SE, primarily for it's high quality and the A &/or B speaker selector.

Highly recommend.