Michael the Jota is very high sensitvity, it only needs 400mV in to give it's full output just before it distorts.
Most sources these day are well over 2v (2000mV) out. So as you can see it doesn't need an active premap with even more gain. Even a source with 1v (1000mV) is more than double what the amp can take.
So keep using your passive volume, but to give it more tube sound try to change both the input tubes (6DJ8's) for a more euphonic sounding NOS type of 6DJ8 like an English Mullard or similar.
Cheers George
Most sources these day are well over 2v (2000mV) out. So as you can see it doesn't need an active premap with even more gain. Even a source with 1v (1000mV) is more than double what the amp can take.
So keep using your passive volume, but to give it more tube sound try to change both the input tubes (6DJ8's) for a more euphonic sounding NOS type of 6DJ8 like an English Mullard or similar.
Cheers George