Cain Abby vs Reference 3a De Capo i

Anyone compared these, ive auditioned the De capo's several times and love them, but have no way of auditioning the abbys,
assuming the abby's are close in sound quality to the De capo's they may represent better bang for your buck as they sell for about half the price on the used market, and when you factor in the cost of stands for the decapos its even less...still as i said before i havent heard the Cain's yet..

any thoughts?
Gliderguider LOL !! I had to crack my side at your last post! It is hillarious ! I have no problem with the speakers not working for you. As I told you before ..why waste the space.Send them my way. I'm sure Miklorsmith will take them off your hands as well.

It was the "real high end" comment that got me going. It must be a lot of unreal high end on Agon..cuz there sure is a lot of it for sale.

Looks like your pro canadian too. Nothing wrong with that...I guess! :-)
I've seen pics of Terry's version of the Abby with the tweeter built into the surround. I think a nearfield version with that addition and a pair of Bailey subs would probably sound pretty special. I know the Abby/Bailey combo got a fine review at 6moons.

As Miklorsmith says, it's all about personal sonic preferences. It would be a boring world if we all liked the same stuff.

About the Canadian thing, it's really more a matter of those two speaker companies (Coincident and Fab) making products that appeal to my musical and philosophical sensibilities. My amps have come from China, France, England and the US. In 2005 there are no borders when it comes to taste.
I've been reading alot of posts where people like to pair a supertweeter with the Fostex drivers.

In my opinion, it would be money better spent to step up to the Lowther drivers, which extend to 22kHz by themselves and need no supertweeter.

I've used both, and IMO, there is no contest between Fostex and Lowther. The Fostex is very good for the money, but on an ultimate performance scale, there is a wide gulf between them.

Just remember, single drivers don't end with Fostex, that is just the entry level. Lowthers aren't perfect either, but they have more of everything that people like about single drivers.
Twl, now I am curious: Has anyone here tried Lowther drivers in the Abby? I have seen the different measurements for different Fostex drivers on 6moons, but no Lowther. Did you or anyone here do a listening comparison between a Fostex w/supertweeter and Lowthers?
TWL I notice your a big Lowther fan. I understand where your coming from as well.But single drivers also do not end with Lowthers. There's several brands out there, I would love to try. It is only the beginning for me. My next stop are the hemp drivers. From there maybe the F200a Fostexes. If the Hemps can give me what I want, I may slow down a bit. The Lowthers are on my list also. Sometimes this hobby can get overly addictive...but man is it fun to hear new things. The Fostex is a good way to get a taste of the single driver's got me hooked! I doubt I'll be going back to a speaker that uses crossovers.

Good listening!