Amazing ??

I have unfortunately fallen in love with a pair of speakers.

I am looking to upgrade my kef coda 70s soon with a pair of speakers in the £500/$1000 region..

was thinking of dynaudio 42, atc scm7s, pmc db1s

BUT.. then i saw these..


£750/$1500 is really more than i wanted to spend but i can't get these things out of my system! (no pun intend)

Anyone heard the like?
Heard the like?


Had the same response?


I ended up with my Vandersteens the same way. As soon as I heard them I started trying to figure out how I was going to buy them. Sounds like these are the speakers for you.

And in the end, it's only money, right?
You've discovered single-driver loudspeakers!

Loth-X makes some very nice monitors and floorstanders, using single-driver elements.

There are several other brands, and DIY projects that you can choose from, too.

There are some things that single-driver loudspeakers can do better than just about anything else.

Most single-driver speaker fanatics also use low powered SET amplifiers, which really go well with them.

This is a very "hard to beat" combination, if you do it right.

Check into Lowther drivers(and the speakers which use them), and same thing with Fostex drivers, AER drivers, Phy drivers, REPS-1 drivers, Diatone drivers, Coral Beta drivers. You'll find that these single drivers can be used in a variety of ways, and a variety of cabinet designs.

Yes, they do sound very good indeed!
Thanks for the responses!

I adore the look of the loth stuff. and their blurb about not splitting up the signal has me virtually sold (against conventional wisdom? :-S)

i was thinking of using a sugden a21a with them, or a couple of flying mole mono blocks.. 100w per channel/amp although i don't know how the loth would handle that much power..