DAC with ESS Sabre chip, volume, XLR+RCA simult.

Are there any DACs out there which use dual mono ESS Sabre chips, have a volume control (digital) and are able to drive XLR and RCA outputs used simultaneously?

I have a setup with 3 amps per channel - two of which are used for subs.So I need two outputs simultaneously.
The Exasound looks interesting, however I see nothing in the spec to suggest that it is dual mono. Moreover, subdividing a stereo Sabre chip for multichannel mode reduces its absolute performance. FWIW, I have tried the 9018 Sabre in stereo and dual-mono configurations. Dual mono sounds better. Of course the performance of a DAC is the sum of its parts including power supply and output stage.
Thanks everbody :)
I'm very grateful for your answers. I actually already own BIII and all the other parts for making such a DAC. But my electronics guy can never get a time to make it :(
So I started thinking about buying finished one...
Too bad XMOS and Exasound don't have a dual mono version.
I can't believe XMOS is only 480 $
The Geek Pulse X does exactly what you ask. It was recently crowd funded for over a million dollars, in case you have been living under a rock ;)

There is a secondary campaign to still get in and buy the DAC, but nothing will be delivered until June this year, and I suspect there will be delays as always happens in these types of projects.