Sweet not so sweet


I'm an owner of the Innersound Eros ESLs and while I love the sound while sitting in the "sweet spot", my "sweet spot" seat is between 2 sections of a modular sofa and is very uncomfortable. I have lived with this for 3 years or so, and now am looking for suggestions to get as close to the ESL sound as I can while having wider dispersion. My room is 20'x14' with the speakers positioned on the short wall and out no more than 3 feet. Physical size is not a problem as my wife will happy with anything smaller than the Eroses. The only restriction is that they cannot be out more than 3' from the short wall. Replacing the sofa is not an option (unfortunately).

My current "short list" includes:

Tyler Linbrook Sig System
Silverline Sonata
Dunalvy Canata/Aletha
Reimer Wind River
Von Schweikert VR4 jrs
Hyperion 938s
Usher AC 10/ 8871

Please suggest any other models that I may have overlooked.

All opinions welcome!


Mike: Generally speaking, yes, time-aligned speakers have small sweet spots and could sound better if you are listening off-axis (but not like a classic electrostatic, which can sound broken off-axis).

Well I may just be the guy to talk to on this one. I have had the Eros MK 3 in my living room for two years and have always been plagued by the exact thing you complain about, small sweet spot. I like to lay back to one side of the couch to say relax, but the top end rolls off too, and for the most part other areas of the house such as the kitchen, you would hardly think you are listening to a hifi system. Plus I was always really bothered by the feeling that I need a substation worth of power to really drive the Eros right. I sent my Eros back to Innersound as the paint was slightly cracking in the back, they had them picked up and are taking care of everything no problem (great guys)

In the meantime I picked up a set of VR 4Jrs. I also happen to also own the Silverline Sonatas, and have owned the Dunlavy 4s before those. In short, none can do the things you like about the Eros. I think of them you would like the VR 4Jrs better, as they have a very wide sweet spot and can really sound engaging throughout the house when playing. My gripe with them would be they just don't have the weight in the bass. I am playing mine in a room with a huge cubic volume, so that may be the problem, or I just haven't found that magic spot to put them in. For me I have to really pull the JRs out into the room to get them to stage right, mine are probably 5 ft to the front, where with the Eros they sounded super at only 3ft off the wall. I think the Silverlines would be even fussier in regard to placement and they have a small sweet spot, as with the Dunlavys though they don't roll off like the Eros out of the sweet spot. The Jrs will actually give you a window into the stage from off axis.

I think it really boils down to what you listen to. The Eros are to my ear a more refined sounding speaker with greater image specificity and depth. I have mine in a second system, so I'm not as eager to be glued to the sweet spot with mine, so I feel like I get more enjoyment out of the VR 4Jrs, because I listen more from outside the sweet spot. I feel that if this was my only system I don't think I would be willing to make to tradeoff from the Eros to the 4Jrs. The Jrs are more dynamic, and are funner to listen to with dynamic music for me.

I think the 3ft from the wall may be a big problem for you to overcome with most speakers, the Eros just happen to love that placement and was one plus for me on my decision to get them. You may not want to let the Eros go till after you see if the new speakers can fill their shoes.

I would also be intrigued with the Hyperion speakers and have thought of those myself.
The Room Lens can be kept in a closet when not in use. It weighs about 15 pounds.
If you can live with a physically wider speaker than the Eros, there are several Sound Lab models that will give you a very wide sweet spot along with all the things a good electrostat does well. Yup, I peddle 'em. Several of my customers are former Eros owners.
Hi All. Thanks for the replies. I am really grateful for your suggestions and help.

Elgordo -- since the Eroses are in my family room I have a big screen TV in between them so a room lens will not work.

Ryan -- Thanks for your insight. There has to be a dynamic speaker out there that I'll like that does not require placement more then 3' out from the rear wall. I just hope it doesn't take me very long to find it!

I heard the Hyperions at last year's Stereophile show and they really sounded great! I don't remember if the room was tweaked or not, however. I am somewhat skeptical now since there seem to be some quality issues nad Hyperion has already come out with a new model.

I will probably go the the HiFi Show again this year as I would like to hear the Vandersteen Quatro model which fits in between the 3C and 5A.

The 4 Jrs may be the ticket for me though. Are the 4 Srs out yet?

Duke -- Thanks for your suggestion however I'm not sure if I'll be able to a pair of speakers larger then the Eros into the room and still have a marriage ;) I'm hoping for something with a higher WAF!

