The best Carl Orff Carmina Burana?

I have recently begun listening to this and really enjoy it. What is the best recording of this that you have heard? Thanks, I appreciate your help.
Perhaps this is too obvious but there is an advertised as mint Philips LP of the Kegel listed on ebay. (22 hrs left).

Plus there are numerous used classical LP dealers with lists on the net. Virtually every major classical issue (and the all the above certainly qualify) is readily available from somewhere, BUT at a price.

BTW, I have heard all of the above mentioned performances and own all but the Smetacek on LP. My preference in overall sound is for the British EMI pressing of the Previn. But the Jochum is the best performance. Kegel is also a good choice.
Pls1 I checked ebay and didn't find anything. I looked up both Carl Orff and Carmina Burana. I don't know how I missed the Philips LP but somehow I mangaged.
One thing of which I can be certain, the best (of many) appropriations of Carmina Burana for a film score is to be found in the opening sequence of "Jackass-The Movie."