Held up in customs

I just purchased a CD player from a gentleman in Vancouver and had it shipped UPS Expedited 2 day. When the package got to the states it was placed on customs hold. When I spoke to someone at UPS they said it would take at least a couple of days and customs could do whatever they wanted to the package or simply keep it. I'm wondering if anyone out there has had any experiences with the Customs Service or FDA in regards to international shipments.
Sadly, I think that a lengthy hold-up is a real possibility. If memory serves, there was actually a closeout deal some years ago on a cd transport or player (want to say a Roksan model, but I'm not sure) where the stated reason for the pricing was that the goods had been held up in customs long enough to frustrate their originally intended distribution. I believe the merchandise ended up with Audio Advisor.
For what it's worth, I live in Canada and have bought numerous audio products from the US. There has *never* been any delay - and that includes a CD player. I have also shipped to thhe US from Canada. Again, no problem.There is a bit of extra paperwork but it's really quite simple.
I had this problem having a Meridian player shipped into the States from Canada. Although frustrating, it involved a relatively brief delay, maybe a week. I'm not positive, but I think my seller's handle was Audiojudge, and his name is Greg -- he may recall what, if anything, he did to move the process along.
Avguygeorge - I guess you must mean you won't be buying anything from anywhere except the good ol' USA. Because the hold-ups are caused by US immigrations, not Canada's.
first Mistake was UPS
Second statting it was A cd player
All you need to put on it is electronic equipment.
Fee's charged are UPS rip off fees.
UPS is the problem not shipping form ust to can or can to US.
Only dummies have a problem filling in a C22 or customs declarATION.