Hales Revelation 3:Oldie but is it still a Goodie?

I have ocassionally seen a few ads on the 'GON for this speaker..The Hales company is out of business, but the speaker seems to have developed a cult following. So,I need opinion from owners,etc as to how this speaker, the Hales Revelation 3 competes against recent hi-end speakers in the $2200-2500 price range. Also,would it be a mistake to buy a speaker whose company is defunct?? What about service and parts??
If you put a good signal to the speaker and do not over drive the unit everything should be fine. Plus most parts are available from other sources. I bought the designer reference and am not looking back.
Great speakers, especially for rock, powerfull bass and decent detail. Needs a good size amp, 200 watts+. I believe the drivers are available.
I have owned a pair for 2-3 years now and have no thought of trading. I was powering them with a Sim I-5 rated at only 70 watts and was very happy. I now power them with a Llano Amp rated at only 100 watts with an AE-3 pre amp. The thing I do miss from the Sim is the remote. I have them in an average sized living room that is open to the dining room. I listen to mostly accoustic music, but when pushed they will rock and then some. As the other posters noted, parts are still avail with a little searching. I would not hestate to recomend them to any one.