How many sq feet of diffusion do I need?

I am planning on adding some Vicoustic diffusion panels to my listening room:

Each of these panels are 2' x 2'. The dealer is suggesting I cover a 4' x 4' area on my front wall (4 panels). If you click on my virtual system you will see my room is very small (9x10) and my speakers are only about 5.5' apart. Do I need that much diffusion coverage?
Thank you Lowrider57. Yes, my room measurements are in feet. To be
honest, I think my system sounds very good but frankly I think I dont know
any better because I never had any room treatments. I had a company
come in and do some analysis of my room and they identified various
issues such as modes. Their total solution involves bass traps, absorption
on side walls and ceilings, and diffusion on the front wall. I didnt want to
commit to the entire package, preferring to take small incremental steps.

To answer you question, yes its a live room. I "think" the highs
are bit too harsh. And I have messed around quite a bit with my speaker
position. To me they sound best at their current position.
I think you mean they found some Nodes. I would do the same as you, do it in incremental steps. First of all, you need absorption on the side walls (the point of first reflection where sound from spkrs bounces off).
On the right side, definitely on the door and maybe a strip on the wall next to door. The left wall maybe 4x4' or 2x4 vertical. BTW, you actually need some reflection in all rooms.

Also, something on the REAR wall behind listening position will absorb standing waves. Room treatments such as these will make such an improvement; after that I would work on whether or not you need bass traps. AND I think you should shop around for the right kind of panel; foam would be much cheaper than the one you posted.

Gotta tell ya, you have a very nice system.
Start with the bass issues first.
It's counterintuitive but fixing bass nodes significantly improves your rooms mid and high range performance.
Tube traps make a significant difference in the mids and high performance of your room. Once you eliminate the bass nodes, a lot of issues with highs get resolved.

I got a huge improvement in all aspects of my room when I installed a 16 x 48 ASC tube trap in each corner.

If you notice any type of boominess at all, I would start there first, then add diffusers later if you feel it's still warranted


Before you go spending money on diffusors, please try what I've done in my 10'x12.5' room.

Get six 2'x4'x4" absorption panels, place two behind you and place two on the side walls at the first and second reflection points.

Then get a larger rug for the floor between the speakers and you for the first reflection points on the floor.

Then assess whether or not you need some diffusion on the wall behind your speakers.

You might be as surprised as I was after I ended up with this arrangement. When you look at my system pictures, don't pay any attention to the two smaller 2'x3'x2" panels behind my speakers on the side walls. They don't do anything and are going to be removed.

One thing about diffusion. Ethan Winer states in his new book that if diffusion is needed and used on the walls, they usually should be vertical diffusors. Three-D diffusion sends sound waves to the ceiling and floor besides vertically, and sometimes adds to the reflection problem. Three-D diffusion is best, if it's needed, on the ceiling since it scatters everywhere.

Right on, Krell_man. I'm using the same setup as you in my small room, except side walls are vertical.
And your point is correct, he needs absorption, not diffusion. Panels can be flat foam, wedged, but not 3D. I'm using 2" offset wedged.
