Talon Khorus - Why So Many So Cheap?

I have read many rave reviews of these speakers and am intrigued why such an expensive speaker ($14 - $16K new) is so commonly available in the $3 - $4K range. I have also noted the propensity of some who have heard the speakers to describe them as "love 'em or hate 'em". Unfortunately I am not situated in an area where I can audition these speakers but am impressed with the reported attributes of the Khorus. As I am in the market for speakers, any feedback anyone might provide would be appreciated.
As a Khorus (non-X) owner, I also think they're a good deal at their used prices. Whether YOU like them or not is another story. I've recently owned Genesis V, Proac 3.5, Dunlavy Aletha, and I like the Khorus best. But the highs do seem a bit subdued. And the mids can be a bit thick/over-ripe. But they're very musical, to me anyway, and draw me in to the performance in a way and to a degree the others haven't. And they play all kinds of music well.
I haven't found used prices a very consistent of quality. For example, I sold the Dunlavys for more than the Genesis, but felt the Genesis to be much superior, at least in my set-up.