Very Sad News: Jason Bloom of Apogee Is Dead

One of the true pioneers in Audio, who was the driving force behind the amazing Apogee ribbon speakers, has passed.

I do not have specific details, but I do not believe he was that old, as was David Hafler, who also died recently, but was very old.

Very few people had the passion for high fidelity that Mr. Bloom had. Personally, as an owner of the original Apogee "The Apogee" Full Range ribbon speakers, I feel very fortunate to experience his genius.

Here are a couple of links about this sad news:
I owned Duetta II's and regret selling them off. Yeah, they were power hungry, big and rather odd shaped, difficult to move around, and very fragile... but the best damned speakers I had the pleasure of listening to. Jason was an uncompromising audiophile, friendly, helpful, and a real gentleman. He left us way to early, may he rest in peace.
I don't post here often, butI just wanted to see if the word about Jason had been passed on. I only wish that my Duettas were in full function right now, I always tend to my sorrows with music.
Here is an update on this sad situation.

Apparently, Mr. Bloom fell in his NYC apartment on June 15, 2003 and died. I do not yet have info on what specifically caused his death. (Of course, Dr. Atkins also recently suffered a freak accident when he slipped and fell, then also tragically died).

For those wishing to send their condolences to the Bloom Family they should be addressed;

The Bloom Family
20 Rowes Wharf
Unit 504
Boston, MA 02110
Hello, I am Jason Bloom's daughter Hannah. i was looking through different websites about my father, and was so happy to see all the amazing things you have all wrote about him. Many of you have asked how old he was, he was only 56. He had a fatal accident- he fell down the stairs. Thankyou all for such touching words about my father! We miss him dearly

Hannah Bloom