Very tube-friendly monitor speakers?

I want to setup a second system consisting of a SET integrated (at this point looks like Antique Sound Labs or Unison) around 3 to 10 Watts. I want much more efficient speakers than my Paradigm Reference 100.2s so as to not have to stress my new little amp, leaving the Paradigms with my beloved McIntosh SS setup. By my calculations, i would like a monitor of 93dB or more sensitivity. And to make it even harder, I would like to keep it around $1000 or less, new preferred but used not out of the question. Any comments, suggestions, questions welcome. Thanks! Arthur
I checked out ProAcs seeing some people with tube amps had them but they have terrible sensitivity (the 1SC included). My Paradigms are much better than that although I have not seen the ProAc's impedance curve but the sensitivity is just too low for me anyway.

Have you even listened to the 1SC's? Don't disregard something until you have heard it. Wes Philips loves the ProAc's with his SET Cary's. I have heard the Paradigms and although a good value they are not at all in the same league as the ProAc's.
You have to audition the Triangle line...they are really intended to be mated with low-watt tubes...with an efficiency of 92db...they are extremely revealing...and their high level of resolution matched with smooth tube power is an intoxicating sound...other brands such as Spendor, Proac can sound very dark with tubes...and the Triangles can sound a bit bright with solid state...but for tube warmth and detailed sound...nice combo...