B&W VS Dynaudio .........

I've grown bored with the sound of my B&W n803's and was considering replacing them with with Dynaudio contour 3.3's. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if the 3.3's would mate well with my other components.

Marantz SA14
KAV 250a (I intend to replace this with 250mc's and run cast)
Transparent Reference interconnects & Synergistic Research resolution Reference speaker cables.

I am open to suggestions regarding equipment if someone cares to enlighten me.

Thanks in advance,

Hey Damon,

I've got my Dynaudio 1.3MkII's driven by a Plinius SA-250 MkIV and the sound is magic. I plan to move the 1.3's to rear ch duty and purchasing the 3.0's for the fronts. I'v heard the 3.0's with the same amp and they are a match made in heaven but I don't feel that an amp upgrade would mean as much as a cdp upgrade would. I have the Metronome CD2V Signiture which sports a tube output stage. I love this cdp. It is just so smooth. I feel with the Dyn's and a better cdp and you would be set.......John

Not being familar with your room or your musical preference it's hard to narrow down specific models, not to mention interaction with your gear.. I've owned Apogee Duetta II ribbon speakers (God I wish I had never sold them), and currently own Martin Logan Quest Z and Aerius speakers in two different two-channel systems. Planars need lots of current, no getting around it; I love my BATVK500 amp with my Quest Z's. Many feel there's a narrow sweet spot with electrostatics, I find it quite the contrary. The relative height of the panels mean they sound damned good whether you're sitting or standing, but like any good speaker they require some trial-and-error to get the right postioning in the room. Once set up properly they really are special transducers, and like most fine things in life are an acquired taste. If you'd like details on my systems please email me and I'll send the list of gear that I use that got me about as far as I feel I need to go in this crazy hobby (for now).
Agree strongly you should move forward with the Dynos and never look back. The 3.3's will walk all over the Nautilus. I listened to the 3.3's when I had 801N's and they were an eye opener to say the least. I had moved up from 805N to 803N to 801N to no more N shortly after I heard the Dynos. Nautilus is overpriced midfi IMHO that just doesn't have the detail, openness, tranparency and "aliveness" of other speakers, like the Dynaudios, Wilson, et al.

The only other thing I would recommend is wait and save up for the 350mcx's. It will be well worth the wait.